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Students blast off to math facts proficiency and beyond with Reflex!

Jo Comans, a Special Education teacher, found Reflex when she went looking for “scientifically-based, proven math programs that would provide engaging educational math activities to assist and support math fact fluency skills.”
She uses Reflex as a daily math center, for independent study and as homework. Student who need remediation or intervention for math fact fluency have been using Reflex “to improve their overall math problem solving skills.”
Before Reflex, Ms. Comans used another program, but, “the students were bored and not motivated to learn using this program. In comparison, Reflex keeps my students engaged and motivates them to do their best each day.”
She adds, “my students are highly motivated to use Reflex to build their tree house and unlock the fun, educational math games. They plead with me to allow them additional time to work on the program.”
Her favorite report is the usage report. She uses it “as data documentation and submits it to our Teacher Support Team (TST) for student interventions in closing achievement gaps. I also print weekly reports and certificates for students to take home and post growth reports on the ‘Look What We Have Accomplished’ classroom bulletin board. This builds self-confidence, self-esteem, and motivates them to always do their best work in all subject areas.”
Reflex has made a big difference for her students. “Reflex has drastically improved proficiency growth since the program has been implemented. I am highly impressed with the student’s enthusiasm for the program. Student knowledge of basic math facts and increased math fact fluency growth has been demonstrated through increased scores on curriculum and district assessments.”
Ms. Comans adds, “Our students have shown growth in math diagnostic assignments, and curriculum and district based math assessments. Out of 19 elementary schools in our district, Arlington Elementary has shown the most overall academic math growth in our district. Reflex played an integral role in helping our students to achieve this goal. I would highly recommend this program. ”
Jo Comans has a Bachelor of Science and Master’s degree in Secondary Education. She is the Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade Inclusion teacher, and oversees the progress of all students with disabilities at Arlington Elementary in Pascagoula School District in Mississippi. Her future goals are to become a National Board Certified Teacher for Exceptional Needs Students, and to earn her specialist degree in curriculum and instruction or special education.
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