Back-to-School Success: Tips for Teachers and Parents
While teachers put up bulletin boards and label books, parents make back-to-school preparations at home, like finding the best prices for school supplies, arranging after-school childcare, and choosing the perfect first-day-of-school outfits. There’s a lot for everyone to consider before the new school year kicks off, and the goalposts keep moving.
Sharing the plays is important so the entire team can work together effectively. Back-to-school night is a perfect opportunity to bring everyone together. Each person has an essential role, but no one can do it alone. As the saying goes, there’s no “I” in team, right?
Empowering families to support student success all year long
Those in the education arena understand the roles and responsibilities of teaching students. However, parents and families may want to get off the sidelines and participate but need help figuring out how to do that. Why not give families the necessary tools for success from the first day of school to the final plays? Read on to find out how!
Prepare families with tips for the new school year
Most schools host back-to-school nights or other opportunities for families to connect with teachers and learn about the upcoming school season. This is the perfect time to bring the team together and align goals for student success. Make the most of parent meetings with these tips.
Introduce yourself: Provide a brief background about your education and experience with some friendly, personal information sprinkled in as appropriate.
Meet the parents: With family engagement in the classroom, ensure a positive experience for the whole group. If someone has specific questions or personal concerns, such as math anxiety, to share, set up a meeting for a later date.
Make a plan: Preplan talking points, including curriculum information, daily class schedules, school calendar, expectations, grading scale, homework policy, big projects for the grade level, and procedures for contacting teachers and staff.
Greet your students: Families want to know that teachers are excited to have their children in the classroom community. Consider covering part of a wall with paper and allowing kids and families to write positive messages for the upcoming school year.
Create online accounts: Provide a list of online learning resources and management systems that allow parent access. Some parents may need to walk through the setup processes, so allow time for this.
Get the details: Ask adults to provide contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses, and any information they feel is essential for teachers to know. Have pens and paper or online forms ready to make this a quick process.
Let them explore: Encourage families to tour the classroom. Let them check out seating areas, different stations, and materials students will use. Some may bring school supplies to drop off, so have a plan for gathering those.
Smile: Reassure families and students that it will be a great year!
Preparing for a successful school year together
Preparation and commitment are critical, and the countdown is on! Teachers are always planning for student success in the classroom. What about families? Download and share these tips to help students feel supported at home, too. Working together as a team will pay off with a winning school year.
Bringing everyone into the huddle is a great way to start a winning school season. Here’s a game plan to share with families! Download these back-to-school tips designed especially for parents and families.
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