A Summer Break Checklist for Teachers: 10 Ways to Relax

Another long, exhausting, odd school year has come to a close, and you’ve cleared out your classroom, and packed up the “thank you” bottles of hand lotion, apple-related knickknacks, and gift certificates. As you begin your well-deserved summer vacation, be sure to savor all the possibilities this break offers. Here are some ways you can relax and recharge before fall comes knocking.
1. Reflect
Mentally, you’re probably not going to let this school year go the instant you walk out the door, so don’t try. Give yourself some time, then reflect on the past year. What went well? What went poorly? What needs tweaking? And did you make time during the school year for yourself, and if not, how can you do so moving forward? If you want to collect your thoughts, check out Remember Your Why: A Gratitude Journal for Teachers, from ExploreLearning’s Jodi Barber-Harris (a former educator).
2. Get moving
Speaking of moving, do it! You don’t have to do a half-marathon or take yoga five times a week; anything that gets your body moving helps. With a huge variety of online fitness videos and apps, there’s something for every fitness level and interest.
3. Just chill
Okay, now stop moving. Sleep in or take a nap with NO GUILT! Now’s the time to catch up on the sleep you didn’t get this year, and maybe bank enough to start the new school year rested.
4. Spoil yourself
Massages, pedicures, manicures, haircuts, a nice dinner out… let someone focus completely on you instead of the other way around.
5. Connect/reconnect with friends and family
Whether it’s a walk around the block with your bestie, a trip to your favorite aunt’s house, or a FaceTime date with a long-lost friend, be sure to connect with those folks who can lift your spirits and help you relax.
6. Read
Remember reading for pleasure? That’s still allowed. Check out a genre you’ve never really spent time with before, re-read your old favorites, join a book club, or just head to the library and grab a bunch of books with interesting covers.
7. Indulge in new or old hobbies
During the worst of the pandemic (you know, when you were working under incredible stress and had to completely change everything about the way you teach—frequently), many people picked up new hobbies or revisited old ones. It’s your turn now.
8. Travel
Depending on what your budget and lifestyle allow—go somewhere! Heck, just going somewhere new where you currently live can be a fun change of pace and open your mind. Check out that aquarium, museum, or park.
9. Have a "work day"
If you just can’t get out of teacher mode, don’t fight it, but don’t give in completely either. If you can’t go without lesson plans, emails, gathering supplies, or professional development, give yourself one day a week to engage in all things school-related.
10. Avoid the naysayers
Whether it’s the age-old “must be nice to have three months off” or any one of the newer rude and insensitive digs on educators—avoid those people at all costs. You deserve every minute of summer vacation you can get. You are amazing!
If you just can’t help but plan–you are a teacher after all– download our handy checklist to make sure you do what you need to do this summer break to relax!
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